Friday, April 16, 2010

Recent publications

How exciting! A review I wrote of three excellent books of poetry has been published on Literary Mama. Here's a sample:

In Mary Crockett Hill's poem "The Fat Cat," one line in particular stands out: "Someone should write a manual for avoiding random horrors." Although that manual may not exist, three recent collections of poetry--Mary Crockett Hill's a theory of everything, Amy Lemmon's Saint Nobody, and Rebecca Foust's Dark Card--address how mothers reconcile a world filled with beauty and pain, attachment and loss, especially when motherhood doesn't turn out the way we imagined it would be.

Also, the story of my first son's birth is going to be published in an anthology of birth stories sometime in the next couple of months. The editors have created a blog, with photos and clips (mine is down toward the bottom, if you scroll!). Can't wait to see the finished product.

All this activity reminds me that I'm more than just a milk machine/sandbox playmate...and one of these days I'll be back to creating some new works (or finally putting together the half-finished ones sitting in my "In progress" folders). Till then, I'm watching the two little guys grow bigger day by day...